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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mochi Beats Album

There's a good chance you've heard about mashup artists like E-603 or (probably more likely) GirlTalk (pictured above). They tend to release albums where listening to the tracks continuously is integral to the cohesion of the album itself (aka theyre perfect for a powerhour mix). Yeah sometimes you can listen to tracks individually, but they tend to awkwardly get cut-off and they sound as though a part of the track were missing. Well, Mochi Beats is another mashup artist who I've been posting about recently. He released his debut self titled album in May, which you can get here for free and you can choose whether you want to download the album as a single continuous track (and if you want to do that you could also just download it from the player below), or a bunch of individual tracks. Here's the album in its entirety and a few excerpts which I really liked.

Mochi Beats - "Mochi Beats" (the album) by mochi beats

Mochi Beats - "Lollipop Ghost" (Tegan and Sara + Amanda Blank + Three 6 Mafia + Cicada + Journey + Kid Sister + Chromeo + Santigold) by mochi beats

Mochi Beats - "Hot Embers" (Wonder Girls + Huey + M83 + Just Jack + L-Wiz) by mochi beats

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