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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Professor Green

I'm not completely sure where Professor Green is from but if you're really that interested I'm sure you can find it with a quick google search. Anyway, one thing I do know about him is that this song became a quick hit single in the BBC charts. So what happens when you have a BBC hit single? Well apparently you get stabbed in the neck by a broken bottle. Again, I'm not sure what exactly happened but the internet was invented for people who love to embellish and spin allegations and stories. Here's my take on what happened: the incident was spurred by what I assume was some senseless bar fight where someone probably questioned his ability to write rhymes in iambic pentameter. Surely Professor Green being the educated hip hop artist that he is (since that's probably what he intended to convey by choosing to use his title of "Professor" as part of his alias) was offended by the challenge. Resorting to strategic insulting techniques used by many of his colleagues, he proceeded to call the individual a "low-class prostitute" which is intelligent-speak for "hoe". Angry at the elitist terminology used upon him, the challenger broke a bottle and ninja threw it at Professor Green, who was unable to dodge it since he is a Professor and not a Sensei. Anyway, here's his hit single which samples the INXS hit "Need You Tonight".

Professor Green - I Need You Tonight by nzemi

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